The Importance of Great Headshots

I just recently shot some new headshots for myself. I knew I wanted a simple backdrop, minimal colors that were on brand for my business, and ones that would be up to date with what a client would see when they meet me.

This simple thing of having an updated, fresh headshot for my social media platforms and website somehow adds so much to my business. It’s like a shot of adrenaline to the body and gives me confidence knowing I’m truly and fully representing who I am as a business owner and as a person.

I really love giving people images they can use to further their business or their platform. There is such a strong sense of purpose behind every shoot I work on. I want you to have all that you need to feel confident and comfortable in the space you create to promote yourself.

The fun thing about this is that with each person there comes a different aesthetic and story that will be communicated. These are things I’m considering when preparing for a headshot session because I know that these images speak loudly.

I would love to have a conversation about this with you if you find yourself needing a refresh.

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