
Just as I typed this title, “refocus”, I laughed at the dual meaning. My intention was to be metaphorical but obviously it works since I’m a photographer. But I want to give you some insight into where I’m at right now.

I’m entering into a season of change. Just yesterday, one of my best friends and I closed our thrifting business we’ve run for over three years. We both knew it was time but nonetheless it’s a bittersweet shift. I feel a loss and a bit of an identity crisis if I’m being completely honest. When you partner with someone to create something from scratch and build a community, you can't help but allow it to seep deep down inside you. And then to let it go is a weird feeling.

But I’m realizing even now that this discomfort allows for growth and the asking of hard questions. Where do I want to be? What do I want to do? I’m not a hustler by nature. I’m a creative, think outside the box, day dreamer. It takes me putting on a pair of blinders sometimes to focus in on my lane, hunker down and do the thing. I hope I’m not the only one. So this season of change for me looks like pulling out my notebook and writing out my goals, my dreams, my ideas and mapping out how to make those things happen. It looks like taking a walk downtown with my camera. It looks like fine tuning my website for the umpteenth time.

It also looks like getting in the Word and settling into the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. There are things I can change and things I can’t. Sometimes it’s just as scary to see things stay the same as it is to see them change.

But all the while my intention is to refocus. Thanks for following along. Let’s see where this goes.

Photo May 01, 11 21 33 AM.jpg
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